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CAME Braccio Articolato C 300 Per Fast CAME 801XC-0070

CAME Braccio Articolato C 300 Per Fast CAME 801XC-0070...



Sirsen 4-zone burglar alarm control panel

Class 4 is a 4-zone control unit with zone partitioning.1.7Ah power supply separate from the control board.* 4 zones that can be excluded.* 1 24-hour tamper line.* The first line can be N.C./ N.O. bal...



TECNOCONTROL 852G- WIFI Gpl Gas Detector with Replaceable Sensor

YUKON 852 / GPLThe Yukon GPL gas detector is a wall-mounted control unit that detects and warns of a possible leak of Methane Gas inside our home.The control unit is equipped with a WiFi connection, i...


TECNOCONTROL 852M- WIFI Methane Gas Detector with Replaceable Sensor

YUKON 852 / MethaneThe Yukon Methane gas detector is a wall-mounted control unit that detects and warns of a possible leak of Methane Gas inside our home.The control unit is equipped with a WiFi conne...


TECNOCONTROL SE325EC - Battery-powered CARBON MONOXIDE detector with replaceable sensor

BETA 762CO - SE325EC Carbon Monoxide Detector (Batteries)Through the use of an electrochemical cell sensor, the carbon monoxide detector has excellent sensitivity and immunity to false alarms.They war...
